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Floppy Eyelid Syndrome

Floppy eyelid syndrome is a form of lax eyelid condition manifest as an acquired hyperelastic, floppy, or rubbery upper eyelid that everts spontaneously during sleep causing corneal exposure. The etiology of the condition is unknown. The most commonly affected demographic group is obese males with a high body mass index from the 5th till the 8th decade, with or without a history of sleep apnea. Patients usually present with symptoms of ocular discomfort, bilateral ocular redness, ptosis, ropy discharge, and chronic eye rubbing which are more severe upon awakening in the morning. Conservative measures include patching, taping, and shielding the eyes at night but surgical correction of the laxity is usually required to reestablish a firm apposition between the eyelids and the globe

Floppy eyelid syndrome with laxity of the upper eyelid tarsal plate
Floppy eyelid syndrome with howizontal eyelid redundancy and ptosis
Floppy eyelid syndrome after surgical shortening of the left upper eyelid

Following horizontal upper eyelid shortening

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