Selected References by the Author
2007 Dutton JJ, Fowler AM. Botulinum toxin in ophthalmology. Surv Ophthalmol 52:13-31.
2007 Dutton JJ, Fowler AM. Double-bridged flap procedure for nonmarginal, full-thickness, upper eyelid reconstruction. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 23:459-462.
2010 Fowler AM, Dutton JJ. Floppy eyelid syndrome as a subset of lax eyelid conditions:
relationships and clinical relevance. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 26:195-204.
2013 Escaravage G, Dutton JJ. Age-related changes in the pediatric human orbit on CT. Ophthalmic Plast
Reconstr Surg 2013; 29:150-156.
2016 Tawfik H, Abdulhafez MH, Foulard YA, Dutton JJ. Embryologic and fetal development of the human eyelid. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 32:407-14.
2017 Pariseau B, Fox B, Dutton JJ. Prophylactic antibiotics for enucleation and evisceration: a retrospective study and systematic literature review. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 34:49-54.
2017 Jordan DR, Dutton JJ. Localizing the lost rectus muscle using the connective tissue framework: revisiting the tunnel technique. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 33:477-481.
2018 Dutton JJ. Anatomic Considerations in Thyroid Eye Disease. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 34(Supp):S7 -S12.
2018 Tawfik H, Dutton JJ. Embryologic and fetal development of the human orbit. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 34:405-421.
2021 Tawfik H, Dutton JJ. Orbital Vascular Anomalies: A Nomenclatorial, Etiological, and Nosologic Conundrum. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 2022;38:108-121.
2021 Jordan DR, Dutton JJ. The ruptured globe, sympathetic ophthalmia, and the 14-day rule. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 38:315-324.
2022 Tawfik H, Dutton JJ. Debunking The Puzzle of Eyelid Apraxia: The Muscle of Riolan Hypothesis. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg, 2022 Sep 22. Online ahead of print.
2022 Tawfik H, Dutton JJ. Orbital Vascular Anomalies: A Nomenclatorial, Etiological, and Nosologic Conundrum. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 38:108-121.
2023 Dutton JJ. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Computer-Assisted Medical Research and Writing. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 39:203-205.